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No-Code Workflow Automations

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Automate Workflows and Track Status

Save your valuable time for high-value, high-impact parts of your job by avoiding mundane, error-prone work and eliminating repetitive tasks with no-code workflow automation.

Knack: No-Code Application Development Platform
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Knack: No-Code Application Development Platform
Knack: No-Code Application Development Platform

Expand and build more complex workflow automations with custom Javascript

Build workflows that automatically trigger actions based on business logic, such as taking an action on a record if another record is changed.

Knack: No-Code Application Development Platform
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Build your own No-Code workflow automations in minutes.

Use no-code workflow automation to define scheduled tasks such as sending emails, updating records, sending reminders, or updating deadlines. Get automated status updates in real-time when due dates arrive or when critical tasks are completed.

Knack: No-Code Application Development Platform
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Knack: No-Code Application Development Platform

Why Knack is the Best No-Code Workflow Automation Software

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Visual UI Builder with Drag-and-Drop Functionalities

Create workflows effortlessly with our intuitive visual interface, which offers simple drag-and-drop functionality. This user-friendly design ensures quick customization, making it accessible to users of any skill level.

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No Special Training or Coding Skills Needed

Harness the power of workflow automation—no coding knowledge or specialized training required. Our platform is designed for simplicity, allowing you to streamline processes and enhance efficiency with just a few clicks.

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Business Operation Flexibility and Agility

Adapt quickly and seamlessly to market shifts within a user-centric interface. Customize workflows on the fly, scale effortlessly, and respond to new challenges in real-time. Our agile tools empower you to innovate at your own pace, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve.

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Productivity Increases Through Simplified Interfaces

Boost your productivity with our simplified user interface, complete with ready-to-use templates and visual workflow elements. These tools allow for quick and easy setup, so you can focus on what matters most.

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Cost Savings Versus Traditional Development

Tech solutions don’t have to break the bank. With our no-code platform, you can avoid the high expenses of hiring software developers or maintaining an in-house IT team. Empower your existing team to innovate and enjoy the freedom to build and modify your business applications directly.

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Integrated Third-Party Tools and Applications

Unlock new possibilities by integrating our platform with the tools you already use and love. Effortlessly sync data across multiple applications, enhancing workflow efficiency and ensuring a cohesive digital ecosystem.

No-Code Workflow Automation FAQ

Workflow defines the process, steps, and actions that get your work done.

In Knack, no-code workflow is what turns your static data into dynamic processes designed to impact your business: it moves jobs to the right employee, alerts customers when an order is ready, and requests approvals from a manager.

The automation possibilities are endless, but here are some examples of workflows you can build in Knack.

If you would like help building out your no-code workflows and automation, you can hire a Knack Expert.